Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Alpha is the finale in the Shifters series. It was intense, with non stop action and all the characters weve come to know throughout the series. Here is my review:
CHARACTERS: A lot of people hate Faythe with a passion, which i can totally understand. but i like a lot of the bad things about her. it makes her more understandable. and yes, she does act like shes 15, not in her 20's at times, but she is truly a good person, she just isnt like many other paranormal/fantasy female leads who are snarky and caring and quiet and matured beyoned their years at the right times. shes different and not afraid to be herself even f people hate herself and i like that. no, i dont agree with all her decisions, but people make mistakes and shes good bout fixing hers. Marc and Jace. Well. SPOILER!!!!! Faythe asks Marc to marry her at the end, which i thought was very appropriate. hes been there for her always, its time for her to express herself to him a little for once. im all for an equal partnership, so go faythe for stepping up to he plate and finally meeting marc halfway! Jace, well ive never really liked him, but thats a personal preference thing, though i believe marc is a better fit for faythe. he iss her equal. with jace, it seems he more wants to worship faythe. also, character death, im not going to say who, but im sure most of you have guessed by now. it was admittedly, necessary, but poor faythes mom! (she didnt die, by the way).
PLOT:similar to earlier plots, faythe is arrested, calvin malone is involved, the whole shebang devolves into an all out war. the thunderbirds make an appearance, calvin malone has to be stopped for once and for all faythe has to choose her partner, all the loose ends have to be tied.....quite a journey!
OVERALL: overall i liked it. i like faythe, i like her decisions and just her in this book. i liked the plot and i liked the ending. i didnt love it, but it is definitely worth reading. 3.5 stars.

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